Sunday, November 29, 2009
Movie Talk
Spiderman 4 Movie Trailer
ELS (Establishing Long Shot)
Number of ELS's: 4
LS (Long Shot)
Number of LS's: 6
CU (Close Up)
Number of CU's: 24
MS (Medium Shot)
Number of MS's: 18
MLS (Medium Long Shot)
Number of MLS's: 18
ECU (Extreme Close Up)
Number of ECU's: 5
ES (Establishing Shot)
Number of ES's: 0
Cache-Control: max-age=0
e="color: rgb(51, 204, 255);">
Number of ECU's: 1
Number of CU 's: 20
Number of MS's: 8
Number of MLS's: 6
Number of LS's: 8
Number of ELS's: 1
Number of ES's: 0
Number of ECU's: 1
Number of CU's: 22
Number of MS's: 3
Number of MLS's: 12
Number of LS's: 24
Number of ES's: 5
Number of ELS's: 0
Are all the shots the same length? What is the effect of this? This question is what we must reflect on. Not all shots are the same length, which is exactly why there are different names for different shots! For instance, long shots, extreme close ups, medium long shots, etc. There are multiple effects; it depends on the type of shot. A close up, or extreme close up is used to create tension and suspense. As well as, an indication of anxiety and anger. It really gets your heart beating, plus the anticipation kills! The effect of a medium shot is to show 2-3 people in the shot, at waist length. Medium long shots and long shots are used for a normal view, while extreme long shots are used to establish the setting, for example a house. This shot is normally used at the beginning of movies, but establishing shots can be used as well. These are used to establish the locale.
This is once again my version of Little Red Riding Hood! But, do you notice any differences compared to the last time? If you do, you are right! There are actually quite a few! Obviously I changed the filling as well as color of the font. I did that to match the theme of Little Red Riding Hood, you know? I made small changes as well. For example, I changed the size of Little Red in the last panel, and I changed the size of the font in that panel as well. But this wasn't for our assignment. By the way, our assignment was to look at other comics as examples, and change three panels. So I added close ups in panels six and four. I added a close up in panel six to create tension; like they do in many movies and comics! I added a close up in panel four for two reasons. One, was to create depth; and the other reason was to create tension, again! The last panel I changed was panel three. Do you notice anything different? I added more trees! I did this to make it more forest-like, as well as to create depth. I like to use depth to make it more realistic. So, this is my new and improved comic; hope you like it!
During I.T, we got assigned a task to be done on Bitstrips. Our task was to make a comic of a modern Little Red Ridding Hood, by the Perault Grimm. The image at the top is my comic I've created on Bitstrips! Like it? If you have noticed, mine has a twist and some slight differences.During I.T, we got assigned a task to be done on Bitstrips. Our task was to make a comic of a modern Little Red Ridding Hood, by the Brothers Grimm. The image at the top is the comic I've created on Bitstrips! Like it? If you have noticed, mine has a twist and some slight differences.
Working on this little comic was actually really fun! We were able to be creative and experiment on this comic strip and I enjoyed it! However, I encountered a few problems while working. A big problem, which almost everyone experienced, was the account problem. What I mean is, when we log on to our accounts and try to create a character or something, we automatically get on to someone else's account! Strange right? It was really frustrating! Plus, it took me a while to get out of that situation! But that wasn't my only problem, I had one more. While trying to finish this comic, I accidentally deleted everything! So I had to start over! Now that was frustrating! Although, it didn't take long to fix it. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this activity. I am pleased with the outcome of my comic, and I hop you feel the same! I hope, we will receive more assignments like this!
I got this image from:
I decided to use this image to represent that I am an eager learner. I am always keen on learning new topics and subjects, it excites me. I am enthusiastic when it comes to school activities, and I am just so ready to learn. It makes it even better that I have such great teachers! And I am always anxious to receive my grades, I like the feeling of achievement!
This image was taken from:
I've chosen this image to represent the curious learner that I am. When I learn, I love to ask questions on the topic being discussed. I like elaborating on the matter we may be talking about, and clarifying things I may not understand. I also love to add my thoughts and ideas, as well as contribute and participate.
I've taken this image from:
I have used this image to show that I am a happy learner. I find learning fun, and I always come to class with a smile on my face. I enjoy learning, and it makes me happy when I achieve something. And when I make an accomplishment, of course I am happy. This feeling motivates me to the same again.
This blog was created for the purpose of my Information Technology class. Which rocks by the way! My interesting title came from a quote by Karl Marx. I haven't heard of him, but I absolutely love his quote. He deserves credit of course; thank you! My title is only a piece of his quote, so if you want to read the whole thing, go to:
All right, so in I.T, we learn about cool websites and tools on the Internet; and how to use them. Honestly, I'm not an expert on computers. I'd say I'm a beginner. I often have trouble with computers, and often need help. Sometimes, computers can be really frustrating! Especially when you have no clue what to do. I do know the basics though. For example, I know how to search the web and how to use programs like Word. But, that is all I really know and understand. Even within Word there are commands that I don't know how to use! I don't have the skills and knowledge of an expert, but that is exactly why I joined I.T!
Throughout this class, I hope to gain more advanced skills on computers. I would like to know more of the commands on Word; so I can do more to my work, and so it would be easier for me. And I'd like to learn more about fun programs to play on! Plus, I'd like to learn how to make websites of our own. I think and I hope, that at the end of the trimester, I'll be better with computers. Since I just got my own computer, I really hope to do a lot with it!